Agnes Warner and the Nursing Sisters of the Great War by Shawna Quinn

All evening programs take place at Government House (51 Woodstock Road, Fredericton) at 7:30pm. We can park on site and come in the side entrance and programs are free and open to the public!

This month, Shawna Quinn will present the program. The talk will be about an hour and copies of Shawna’s book “Agnes Warner and the Nursing Sisters of the Great War” will sell for $15 each. This book is Volume 15 in the New Brunswick Military Heritage Project book series.

“I cannot tell you how glad I am to be able to go to the front,” wrote New Brunswick nurse Agnes Warner to her Mother in 1916, “for it means a chance to do good work and I shall be so glad to be…nearer the Canadian boys.” The prospect of service in a battle zone resonated in the compassionate, adventurous heart of Miss Warner and scores of other New Brunswick women who signed up to give their time, their expertise, and even their lives as Nursing Sisters in the Great War. Using letters, accounts, and photographs, we’ll explore the challenges, triumphs, and imminent dangers of war that nurses faced as they worked to heal its most appalling human damage.