The Diaries of Ruth Loggie

The Diaries of Ruth Loggie

The First World War experiences of New Brunswick-born nurse Ruth Loggie, will be the focus of a virtual presentation in the York Sunbury Historical Society Speaker Series by historian and author, Dr. Rev. Ross Hebb.

This FREE ZOOM presentation will take place on Thursday, November 3 at 7 pm and all are welcome to attend. Please contact the Fredericton Region Museum at for the ZOOM link.

More than 2000 Canadian women served as army nurses overseas during the First World War. The opportunity to read a diary written by one of these women, a document which was, strictly speaking, not supposed to be kept in the first place, is a unique privilege.

A Canadian Nurse in the Great War grants a peek, through the diary of Ruth Loggie, into a little-known moment of our history. It also offers a glimpse into forbidden territory-women at war. Loggie’s diary provides a daily commentary on life as she experienced it and as the events of the Great War unfolded. How did she cope? What were her thoughts as she lived through what she knew were world-altering events?

A page from Ruth Loggie's diary

A page from Ruth Loggie’s diary

Although originally from Nova Scotia’s South Shore, Ross Hebb is now a long-term resident of his adopted province of New Brunswick. A graduate of King’s College and Dalhousie University, Dr. Hebb received his PhD from the University of Wales, Lampeter in 2002.

Along with volumes on Maritime Church history, Dr. Hebb has also written about the golden age of shipbuilding at St. Martins on the Bay of Fundy. In 2014 he edited the collection Letters Home: Maritimers and the Great War, 1914-1918, and 2018, In Their Own Words: Three Maritimers Experience the Great War . Dr. Hebb is married and lives in Fredericton, NB.