Master & Madman The Surprising Rise & Disastrous Fall of Hon. Anthony Lockwood RN by Dr. Nicholas Tracy
March 18 VIRTUAL Presentation, Master & Madman the Surprising Rise, and Disastrous Fall of the Hon. Anthony Lockwood. R.N.
Contact us for the ZOOM Link at frederictonregionmuseum@gmail.com or by phone at 506-455-6041.
7 pm, Thursday, March 18, 2021 VIA ZOOM
The bizarre and tragic life of Hon. Anthony Lockwood, one of the most unforgettable political figures of early 19th century New Brunswick, will be the focus of Dr. Nicholas Tracy’s presentation in the upcoming York Sunbury Historical Society’s Virtual Speaker Series.
This LIVE event is FREE and will be held via ZOOM at 7 pm on Thursday, March 18, 2021. The presentation will be recorded and made available online after the event.

Dr. Nicholas Tracy
Fredericton’s Dr. Nicholas Tracy is one of Canada’s leading naval historians, with more than a dozen respected academic texts to his publishing credit. His cap-stone volume, A Two-Edged Sword: The Navy as an Instrument of Canadian Foreign Policy, was awarded the 2012 John Lyman Book Award for Canadian Naval and Maritime History by the North American Society for Oceanic History. Dr. Tracy also has a distinguished teaching career in UNB’s History Department.
In “Master and Madman, the Surprising Rise, and Disastrous Fall of the Hon. Anthony Lockwood; R.N.” Tracy examines the life of a naval officer who became Surveyor General of New Brunswick in 1819 after a life in the Royal Navy but went mad and attempted a coup d’état. Master and Madman was a twenty-year project by Peter Thomas, who on his death bed asked Tracy to finish the book.
Contact us for the ZOOM Link at frederictonregionmuseum@gmail.com or by phone at 506-455-6041.
For further information, please contact:
Melynda Jarratt, Executive Director
Fredericton Region Museum York Sunbury Historical Society & Fredericton Region Museum
Tel: (506) 455-6041
Email: frederictonregionmuseum@gmail.com
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