The War of 1812: A New Brunswick Perspective
During the War of 1812, the winter of 1813 was one of extreme cold and heavy snows. Between February and April, the 104th Regiment of Foot marched more than 1100 kilometres from Fredericton, New Brunswick to Kingston, Ontario to reinforce British troops and thwart an expected invasion by the Americans. This effort by a regiment of poorly clothed, frostbitten and hungry soldiers stands as an incredible feat in military history. This series commemorates the March of New Brunswick’s 104th and the locations where they manned forts, blockhouses, and outposts as well as some key personnel.
PDF of a map of their journey
Come and learn more about the Geotour that will commemorate the March of New Brunswick’s 104th Regiment of Foot. We will gather at the Backroom of McGinnis Landing (Fredericton, New Brunswick). Come see the map of the cache locations, see the Geocoin being offered to the first 200 cachers to find 15 of the 31 caches, and the unveiling of the Passport. This event is open to all cachers.
Where: Backroom, McGinnis Landing 280 King St Fredericton, NB
When: 11:00 – 1:00 PM Saturday 15 December 2012
What: Brunch & Launch of the March of NB 104th Geotour (Geotour is going Live at noon!!)
See you there! Please log your “Will Attends” at this link so we can book more space if needed!
Geocache Passport
Geocache Passport – English
Download (817 kb)
Passport Geotrail
Passport Geotrail – French
Download (817 kb)
[…] Bottle Launch & 104th Trek in Madawaska Opening (Pt II))! Randall Haslett wrote about the geotrail that he created to commemorate the epic 1813 march and local MLA, Brian Macdonald, recounted his […]
The Archives has a list of qualified people to do genealogical research.
And, you might want to contact the New Brunswick Genealogical Society.