A Neighbourly War: New Brunswick and the War of 1812 by Robert Dallison
A Neighbourly War: New Brunswick and the War of 1812
By Robert Dallison
On Wednesday, 25 April, Robert Dallison will speak to his upcoming publication, A Neighbourly War: New Brunswick and the War of 1812.
7:00 pm at Connell House – 128 Connell Street, Woodstock, NB Refreshments will be served. All are welcome to attend.
Just in time for the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, a little-known chapter in the struggle between British North America and the United States.
With Great Britain and France engaged in a life-and-death struggle, it seemed like a perfect time for the United States to declare war on Britain. Fearing the possibility of invasion, the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly and the generally citizenry — fearing for their life, families, and property — took every possible measure to prepare for war.
For a moment in history, a state of neutrality was established along the Maine border, and New Brunswickers turned to supporting British campaigns in Upper and Lower Canada and naval operations along the Atlantic coast. Then, with Napoleon’s defeat, Great Britain became more aggressive, and New Brunswick took the opportunity to try to resolve their disputed boundary with Maine. The British army occupied the Penobscot River Valley and northern Maine was declared a part of New Brunswick.
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