York Sunbury Historical Society & Fredericton Region Museum
Membership Committee Chair Job Description

Exhibit opening at Government House in Fredericton on December 15, 2012. The photograph was taken by our volunteer Vanessa. Thanks Vanessa!
The Membership Chair will be responsible for providing leadership in the membership activities of the York Sunbury Historical Society and Fredericton Region Museum.
Goals and Outcomes
To maintain, promote and grow York Sunbury Historical Society memberships, based on an annual plan.
Actions to achieve this include:
- Lead a Membership Committee and set a membership target for the year.
- The Chair and Committee will work with the Executive Director (ED) on the annual recruitment drive and on targeted markets and events, such as the Corporate Membership drive and the monthly program.
- Work with the ED to develop or maintain membership recruitment material e.g. brochures and application forms.
- Consider how volunteers and the YSHS Board might be used to recruit members at key locations and community events
- The Chair and Committee may identify initiatives and to raise the profile of membership in the local community e.g. by getting someone to attend community events with membership forms.
Specific Duties
In general, membership chairs are expected to:
- Call Committee meetings.
- Appoint fellow committee members, with the assistance of the President.
- Ensure prompt follow-up for new and renewed members
- Oversee membership development with the assistance of a committee, the Board and museum staff. (Planning)
- Ensure that Membership Lists are maintained, so that membership reports from the updated membership list statistics (maintained at the office) can be reported to the Board. Reports are co-written by the ED and Chair.
- Ensure membership forms are available at targeted community and society events, and where possible, have a representative attend to assist the staff or other Society members who are attending the event.
- A willingness and ability to persuade existing members to renew and new members to join; through correspondence, membership activities, personal contact, and at outside events.
- A positive and respectful manner.
- An appreciation of the community value created by having a history museum, collection and programs.
Assets: Experience in making presentations and doing an annual work plan.
1-2 years, with option for renewal.
The Membership Committee has an annual budget to cover the costs of envelopes, paper, stamps, printing and other membership recruitment expenses.
Reports To
The Membership Chair reports to the Board of Directors.
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