If you think you can help us please leave your comments here. 

Dear sir or madam,

My name is Thomas Jewett, and I am the editor of the quarterly newsletter for the Jewett Family of America.  I conducting research for an article for an upcoming issue, I came across a reference to the Jewett Trophy, awarded to the Atlantic Conference champion in CIS football. 

I have learned that the trophy originated at the Fredericton campus of the University of New Brunswick in the 1950′s, and that it was named after the team doctor.  I have contacted the University Athletic Department, and a Mr. David Morel has been of some assistance.  However, he was unfamiliar with the specifics of Dr. Jewett’s position or the family history.

I am currently planning to include an article on the Jewett Trophy in the same issue with other football references to the Jewett family, and was wondering if you could help me in obtaining additional background on Dr. Jewett and his ancestors.  I would be very much interested in determining his relationship to the various branches of the Jewett family.

Ideally, I would like to know his date and place of birth, as well as the names of his parents.  My assumption is that Dr. Jewett is deceased; however, I cannot prove this.  If he has passed away, would you have a copy of his obituary?

Alternately, if he is still alive, do you have any idea on how he may be contacted?

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide in this matter.

Best regards,
Thomas Jewett
tjewett dot geo at yahoo dot com